What is the first thing that I should do if I am served with a summons and complaint in Georgia?
The first thing you need to do after being served with a summons and complaint for divorce in Georgia is consult with an attorney. There is a timeline attached to that summons and complaint in order for you to properly respond to the court and to make sure you’re receiving notices of hearings and… Read More »
What is the difference between legal custody and physical custody?
In Georgia, there’s two types of custody, legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to how the parents are going to make decisions regarding their children. Physical custody refers to where children spend their time on a day-to-day basis between each parent.
What is supervised visitation in Georgia?
In Georgia, a court can order supervised visitation, or the parties can agree to supervise visitation, if there are special safety concerns regarding one parent’s parenting time with the children. Such as, drugs or alcohol or other domestic violence related issues. That parent, for a period of time or even indefinitely, can be supervised… Read More »
What is physical custody?
Physical custody in Georgia refers to where children spend their time on a day-to-day basis and it’s set forth in a parenting plan. The parenting plan will provide for where the children spend their time during the regular school year, during holidays, breaks from schools, and during the summer.
What is parenting time?
Parenting time in Georgia is exactly what it sounds like. It’s where the children spend their time with each parent. The parenting plan in Georgia will set out a parenting time schedule that provides for where the children are during the regular school year, breaks from school, holidays and summer vacations.
What is legal custody?
Legal custody in Georgia refers to which parent has the right to make legal decisions regarding the children. It’s typically divided into four categories: education, religion, medical, and extracurricular activities. In a joint legal custody arrangement, the parents have the right to consult and confer with each other before these decisions are made. However,… Read More »
What is child custody?
In Georgia, there’s two types of child custody. Legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody determines which parent has the right to make final decisions regarding the child. It also determines which parents have the right to seek medical, educational, and other records of the child. Physical custody refers to where the child is… Read More »
What is a parenting plan?
A parenting plan in Georgia is a comprehensive document that’s required in every divorce with minor children. It governs legal custody and physical custody, and it sets forth which parent has the right to make decisions regarding the children and where and when the children spend their time with each parent. It can also… Read More »
What factors go into determining custody and visitation in Georgia?
Custody and visitation in Georgia is always determined by the best interest of the children at the time of the divorce or dissolution of the marriage. Such factors can include the historical roles of the parties, the needs of the children, the age of the children, the proximity of the parents living together. That’s… Read More »
What are the two types of child custody in Georgia?
In Georgia, there’s two types of child custody. Legal custody, which determines which parent is going to make legal decisions regarding the children in the absence of a mutual agreement between the parents, and physical custody, which determines on a day-to-day basis where the children are spending their time with each parent.