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What is child support?

By Melissa Davis |

Child support in Georgia are payments that go to the support and maintenance of the children, including housing, education needs, health insurance, medical expenses, and other education-related expenses. And it can be ordered to be paid from one party to the other party until the children reach the age of majority.

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What determines how much child support I have to pay in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

Georgia uses a specific child support calculator. It can be found online and basically the gross income of both parties is used to generate that child support amount. You can also go and use any sort of deviations, whether that’s a low income deviation or a parenting time deviation, and so that could vary… Read More »

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If I get joint custody, will I still have to pay child support in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

This typically depends on the incomes of each parent. There is the possibility of putting in a parenting time deviation into the worksheet, which can then kind of cancel out any sort of child support being paid. However, when one parent makes a lot more than the other parent, this typically does result in… Read More »

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How is child support calculated in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

Child support is calculated in Georgia pursuant to what we call a child support worksheet. The primary drivers of that worksheet are the number of the children, the income of both of the parents and then certain financial needs of the children such as health insurance, medical expenses, school expenses, and extracurricular activities.

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How do I get my child support increased in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

In Georgia, a party can seek an increase of child support based on the changed financial circumstances of the party. Either your income is decreased or the other parent’s income has increased, or the material needs of your child has increased since the entry of the last order. It’s important to discuss this with… Read More »

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How can child support be changed in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

Child support can be modified by either parent in Georgia upon a material change in circumstances, either of the parties an increase or a decrease in the income of one of the parties, or a material change in the needs of the children. It’s important to discuss with an attorney how often child support… Read More »

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How are child care expenses divided in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

In Georgia, child support expenses are a factor to be considered in the child support worksheet, along with the income of the parties and other needs of the child or children such as health insurance, out-of-pocket medical expenses, education and extracurricular activities. Because there are so many factors that go into the child support… Read More »

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Can my child’s father be ordered to pay for my child’s college education in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

In Georgia, neither parent can be ordered by the court to contribute to a child’s college education. Child support can only be ordered up until the children reach the age of majority. However, if by agreement one or either party agrees to pay for college expenses of the child, the court can enforce that… Read More »

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Can my child’s father be ordered to pay for my child’s college education in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

In Georgia, neither parent can be ordered by the court to contribute to a child’s college education. Child support can only be ordered up until the children reach the age of majority. However, if by agreement one or either party agrees to pay for college expenses of the child, the court can enforce that… Read More »

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Can child support be retroactively modified in Georgia?

By Melissa Davis |

Child support in Georgia cannot be retroactively modified so it’s important if you are experiencing difficulty in paying your child support, either because of a loss of income or because of some other circumstance in your life, that you immediately seek a petition to modify your child support and consult a lawyer to advise… Read More »

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