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Atlanta Divorce Lawyer > Alpharetta Divorce Lawyer

Alpharetta Divorce Lawyer

Alpharetta divorce lawyer Melissa Davis has over a decade of experience resolving high conflict and high asset divorces in Georgia. Whether your divorce is uncontested and amicable or it’s contentious and adversarial, you can count on Buckhead Family Law to be there for you throughout the entire divorce process. We will give your case the attention and time it deserves, and we will provide you with the level of representation needed to help you achieve a successful resolution in your Alpharetta divorce.

Filing For Divorce

Before you can file a petition for divorce in Georgia, at least one of you must have been a Georgia resident for the six months immediately preceding the filing. There are 13 different grounds for divorce recognized by Georgia law. These grounds are:

  1. Adultery
  2. Cruel treatment or violence
  3. Desertion
  4. Incurable mental illness
  5. Addition to drugs
  6. Mental incapacity
  7. Habitual intoxication
  8. Impotence at the time of marriage
  9. Forced, pressured, or tricked into marrying
  10. Convicted of a crime of moral turpitude
  11. Intermarriage prohibited by law (incest)
  12. Pregnant by another man at the time of marriage
  13. Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage (no-fault divorce)

If you can resolve all your outstanding issues, your divorce could be finalized as quickly as 30 days after serving your spouse with divorce papers. However, the reality is that divorce typically takes a lot longer than 30 days, even if it’s uncontested. When you’re in the middle of a contested divorce, it could take several months or even a year, depending on the complexity of the outstanding issues.

If one party is contesting the divorce grounds, the family court judge can deny the divorce if it meets one of the following criteria:

  • One spouse consulted to the other spouse’s conduct
  • Both spouses colluded in manufacturing grounds for a Georgia divorce
  • Both spouses are guilty of the same conduct
  • The offended party condoned the behavior voluntarily and continued living with their spouse

In rare cases, a judge could even refuse to finalize a no-fault divorce if they are not convinced that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

Unless both spouses can agree on every factor, the divorce is considered contested. The common issues that need resolution prior to finalizing a divorce include:

  • Property Division—All marital property is subject to a fair and equitable division between spouses. Note equitable distribution doesn’t mean splitting assets down the middle 50/50.
  • Child Custody and Visitation—If you have children, you need to work out a custody arrangement and visitation before you can finalize the divorce.
  • Child Support—Reach an agreement or let the court decide how much one parent needs to pay the other one to help support your children.
  • Alimony—If one spouse is requesting alimony, you need to reach an agreement or let the court determine whether alimony is even warranted.

Contact Our Experienced Alpharetta Divorce Lawyers

For effective representation in your Georgia divorce, let our Alpharetta divorce lawyers assist. Contact Buckhead Family Law today to schedule an initial consultation. Let us put our knowledge and experience to work for you and help you resolve all your Georgia family law needs.

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