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Atlanta Divorce Lawyer > Marietta Modifications Lawyer

Once you obtain your divorce decree, you might breathe a sigh of relief. Unfortunately, many more disputes break out after the divorce than during it. Judicial orders concerning child custody, child support, and alimony might need to be changed. If so, ex-spouses often end up in court in front of a judge. At Buckhead Family Law, we can represent you if you are seeking to modify a court order or want to maintain the status quo. Contact us today to speak with our Marietta modifications lawyer to learn more.

Judges generally resist changing child custody orders, believing that children benefit from stability. Nevertheless, it is possible to seek a modification when circumstances have substantially changed. Child custody modifications often arise in the context of one parenting wanting to move. This move, however, can threaten the other parent’s ability to see the children.

Other reasons parents seek to modify child custody is to account for changes in work schedules or the child’s participation in extracurricular activities. Remember that parents always have the power to agree to modify the parenting plan. However, obtaining court approval is helpful so that your agreement is enforceable in the future.

A parent can also seek to modify child support when there has been a substantial change in circumstances. At Buckhead Law, our Marietta modifications lawyer has helped parents seek an increase in their child support or a decrease in the amount they pay. Some common reasons supporting an increase include a substantial change in how much your child needs or a decrease in the income of the parent who receives child support.

Judges sometimes also lower the amount to account for a parent’s disability to job struggles. However, parents must always seek a judge’s modification and not simply stop paying on their own initiative.

Temporary alimony usually ends on a certain date as spelled out in the court order. But even a person paying permanent alimony might seek a modification in certain circumstances. For example, if the recipient spouse cohabitates with another person or enters a romantic relationship, then they are no longer entitled to receive it. Ex-spouses might also seek changes to alimony based upon a substantial change to either person’s financial condition.

Unfortunately, some ex-spouses refuse to follow the court order. For example, your ex-wife might refuse to let you see the children, or your ex-husband could have stopped paying child support or alimony. Court orders are not recommendations from a judge; instead, they are legal commands backed up by the full force of the law. Sometimes, we need to inform a judge when the other side refuses to abide by the order. Georgia judges have inherent powers to compel compliance, including holding your ex in contempt.

Disputes with an ex cause tremendous headaches. Fortunately, legal help is available. At Buckhead Family Law, we will seek modification or enforcement to protect your rights. Call us to schedule a consultation.

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