Challenges Facing Professional Moms During a Divorce
Not only is navigating the stormy waters of divorce tough, with so many issues to iron out, such as child support, spousal support, and separating the marital property, but what happens to women who need to continue working following the final judgement? The help that you received from your spouse when you were working late or had to attend meetings and conferences is suddenly gone.
At Buckhead Family Law, we know a divorce in Georgia leaves you with a litany of new challenges to face as a single working mom. Here are some of the most common ones we help our clients manage.
Dealing with the Mental Load
The mental load is usually something you hear about in the context of marriage. Women have to deal with childcare, their jobs, the household work, and the endless to-do lists that their husbands follow. However, this doesn’t end once the divorce is final. For most women, it may seem like you now have one less person to worry about(your former spouse), but you still have to manage everything else on your plate. Your responsibilities don’t just disappear. So, how can you find a healthy balance? It all comes down to being realistic about things like chores, since the laundry can usually wait one more day, and carving out time for much needed self-care.
Who Cares for the Children While You’re at Work?
Married working parents are used to sharing the load. They know that if they have to work late, their spouse can pick up the slack. If a meeting runs long or a client dinner takes place after hours, they have someone who can feed the kids, make sure they do their homework, and get them to bed on time. A single working mom doesn’t have those options. Thankfully, there are some solutions to the problem, such as calling upon a trusted sitter, hiring a nanny, or even working things out with your former spouse so that they can come through in a pinch.
Financial Issues
Going from two combined incomes to one can mean that a lot of changes are on the horizon. Not only do you need to adjust your spending to fit your new budget, but you also need to find housing, a vehicle, and other things that meet your needs without overspending. Meeting your kid’s needs in the form of clothes, shoes, school supplies, health insurance, and school tuition is also on the list. Solutions? Your former spouse should help with anything related to the children, and getting spousal support in Georgia can help you navigate through this transitional period until you’re fully back on your feet.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Co-Parenting Problems
Not only do you need to deal with all home-related issues, but you also have to develop a solid co-parenting strategy. Your children’s emotional and physical needs have to be met, while also working with your ex-spouse to keep them from getting psychologically damaged by the divorce. Finding ways to maintain a good relationship with your former spouse, even if it’s only for the sake of the children, is the best way to navigate these tumultuous waters.
Need a Top-Rated Divorce Lawyer in Georgia?
Are you worried about what will happen to your career once your divorce is over and you have additional childcare needs and other things to balance? Are you considering seeking spousal support in Georgia? Do you and your former spouse have a number of things to work out, even after your divorce in Georgia is finalized? If so, then you need a good lawyer to assist you with everything from the big legal issues to the nitty-gritty ones.
At Buckhead Family Law, our legal team works diligently to meet the needs of clients getting divorced in today’s tech driven world – this means taking everything online into consideration. One thing that hasn’t changed about divorce? It is still one of the most harrowing experiences someone can go through, and we understand that. That is why we always treat our clients with grace and compassion.
Need help? We are here to assist you as you begin the next chapter of your life while ensuring that all of the loose ends are tied up in the least complicated way. Schedule a consultation today by calling 404-390-0000.