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Navigating Divorce after 50 – Unique Challenges Facing Women

Did you know that the divorce rates for adults over the age of 50 have skyrocketed quite a bit in recent years? This could be due to the belief that couples should wait until their kids are out of school before filing, necessary changes finally brought forth by frustrated women going through menopause, or men wading through the uncharted waters of a midlife crisis.

At Buckhead Family Law, we understand that no matter the reason, you now have to find ways to navigate divorce after the age of 50. So, what do you do? Here are our top suggestions for starting your “new life” post-divorce.

Work With a Lawyer

Whether you filed or your spouse was the one who initiated this life change, you need to find a good Georgia divorce attorney. Even a non-contentious divorce has a lot of factors to address, from child custody, to insurance, to spousal support, to splitting the family property, and much more. Since you’ve more than likely been married for a good chunk of your adult life, 20 or 30 years, there are most likely a lot of physical assets to decide on, as well as the possibility of remaining amicable throughout the process. A lawyer who represents you and your best interests regarding all your joint marital assets can ensure thatyour divorce goes smoothly.

Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash

What About Retirement?

Did you work throughout your marriage? If so, then you might already have some money set aside in retirement accounts in your name only. This could set you up for retirement, and you only need to add to them in future years. However, if you were a stay-at-home mom or you and your spouse have joint retirement accounts, then things will need to split in a fair fashion. After all, you put in the work, too, whether it was in the home or in the office. Your Georgia divorce attorney can help you divide your retirement assets so that you receive the necessary funds to retire comfortably.

Heading Back to Work

After spending decades at home taking care of it and the kids, you might find yourself needing to reenter the workforce. If you haven’t kept up your technology skills or licenses, then now is the time to take a college course or two to update things. Even if you’ve only spent decades in between volunteering for the PTA or other organizations, these are things that can go on your resume as your skill set. You’d be surprised at how well employers will view you, even after being out of the working world for decades.

Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash

Discussing Divorce with Your Kids

Even if your kids are grown, have begun living on their own, or have started their own families, you still need to explain to them why you and your husband are getting divorced. Doing this fairly, meaning that you don’t directly blame your spouse, is the best option. Otherwise, you run the risk of turning your children against your soon-to-be ex-husband. Once the amicable reasons for the split have been aired, it’s time to talk about everything but the divorce and your ex. You don’t want to treat your children like they’re your therapists. Save that for your actual therapist. Instead, answer your kid’s questions and remain fair and balanced. Bad-mouthing their father might actually turn them against you, so avoid this pitfall at all costs.

Need a Top-Rated Divorce Lawyer in Georgia?

Are you going through a divorce after the age of 50? Do you and your former spouse have a number of things to consider, from property to physical cash in your bank accounts? What about your retirement plan and health insurance? A good lawyer, one who’s solely looking out for your interests, can help ensure that the process goes smoothly and ends in a fair division of assets.

At Buckhead Family Law, our legal team works diligently to meet the needs of clients getting divorced in today’s tech-driven world – this means taking everything online into consideration. One thing that hasn’t changed about divorce? It is still one of the most harrowing experiences someone can go through, and we understand that. That is why we always treat our clients with grace and compassion.

Need help? We are here to assist you as you begin the next chapter of your life while ensuring that all of the loose ends are tied up in the least complicated way. Schedule a consultation today by calling 404-390-0000.

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