Special Custody Considerations for Professional Women
Thanks to modern changes in the nuclear family, such as mothers working full time and still caring for their children or women being the main breadwinners while their husbands stay home with the kids, custody arrangements have changed as well. How will this affect your custody during and after your Georgia divorce?
At Buckhead Family Law, we know that professional women need to be aware of the possible arrangements that may be proposed by the other side and be prepared to negotiate to receive their preferred time with their children.
Modern Custody Arrangements
In the past, custody was something that the courts settled pretty quickly. The woman, now ex-wife, and mother, received the majority of the time with the kids. She either wound up with full legal custody, as well as child support, or shared some custody, still receiving the children on weekdays, with the other parent getting the kids on alternate weekends or holidays. This is no longer the case, as fathers are now receiving around 50% custody or more, depending on the circumstances.
Be Prepared to Share Custody
What do these changes mean? Well, professional women need to be prepared to share custody of their kids. Arrangements where they have the kids a few days of the week and their ex-spouse has them the remainder of the week are the norm, even if the ex-husband worked full time and the wife balanced the majority of the childcare with her own full-time job.
Treat Your Ex-Spouse Like an Asset
In order to avoid getting into a bitter custody battle, it’s time to avoid treating your soon to be ex-spouse like an enemy. Instead, treat him like an asset who can genuinely have a positive impact on your life. After all, professional women need to focus on their careers as well as their children, and this much easier when both parents work together and share time with the kids. Having a flexible arrangement without any bitterness can benefit both parents, as well as the children who won’t see the adults bad mouth each other.
Determine Custody Outside of Court
Having a Georgia divorce lawyer settle custody outside of the courtroom is one of the best things that you can do in order to ensure that the most beneficial agreement is reached. Inside the courtroom, the decisions are made by the judge, who may or may not grant you the arrangement that you want. If you work together with your ex-spouse in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, you could both end up winning plenty of time with your children, which is best for everyone. It’s all about what makes the kids happy.
Need a Top-Rated Divorce Lawyer in Georgia to Help with Custody Arrangements?
Professional women need to work out custody agreements that are fair to everyone involved. How can you determine if the arrangement is fair? What about the needs and wishes of the children? If these are things that worry you, then you need a skilled law firm to represent you in your Georgia divorce case.
At Buckhead Family Law, our legal team works diligently to meet the needs of clients getting divorced in today’s tech driven world – this means taking everything online into consideration. One thing that hasn’t changed about divorce? It is still one of the most harrowing experiences someone can go through, and we understand that. That is why we always treat our clients with grace and compassion.
Need help? We are here to assist you as you begin the next chapter of your life while ensuring that all of the loose ends are tied up in the least complicated way. Schedule a consultation today by calling 404-390-0000.