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Useful Advice for Women Building Their Credit After a Divorce


It’s impossible to do much of anything without a decent credit score these days. If you want to rent or buy a house, get utilities set up, obtain a credit card, purchase a car, or do just about anything else that pertains to borrowing money in one way or another, your credit score needs to be in tip top shape.

At Buckhead Family Law, we know that post-divorce, especially if you had only joint accounts with your ex-husband or everything was in his name, you could have a hard time getting back on your feet as an independent woman. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do to build your credit and start a fresh, new life.

Lock Your Credit Down

If there’s one thing that can quickly wreck your credit, it’s having your ex-husband open up a bunch of new credit cards in your name alone. A vindictive soon-to-be former spouse may find ways to hurt their ex-loved ones, and this is one method that has some staying power. Even after you file a police report and get those accounts removed from your credit report, you could still be left with a questionable credit score. It’s important to be proactive, and lock down your credit so no one can open any lines without your authorization.

Ensure That Your Payments Are Made on Time

Paying the bills is now your responsibility, and if you want your credit score to go up, it’s time to pay those bills on time. Delinquencies as far as payments are concerned can negatively impact your credit score. If the thought of having to balance the bills on top of everything else seems like too much, take advantage of autopay options. Paying on time can help build up your credit.

Remove Your Spouse from Any Joint Accounts That Belong to You

If you have any joint accounts where you’re the primary instead of your ex-spouse, remember to remove him from them. Giving your former husband access to those accounts after your divorce allows them to run up the credit card balance or remove any funds that he’d like from your bank accounts, leaving you stuck paying the bill or without the money that you need to do so. Having a good divorce agreement in Georgia may also help with this, as it can include provisions that your ex-husband needs to follow.

Apply for Credit in Your Own Name

Some women may have spent their married time relying on their husband’s credit. If he was the only or primary breadwinner, then all of those credit cards and other loans, including those on your vehicles, may only be in his name. Also, consider the fact that if you had no income during that time, you were most likely unable to apply for anything in your own name. Taking the leap and opening up an account or two, within reason, in your own name, can help you build up your credit.



Seek Spousal and Child Support to Help Pay the Bills

If you were a stay-at-home wife or mother, then you’re more than likely unprepared to jump right back into the workforce. After all, you need to update your skills, explain that gap on your resume, and try to find a respectable job that will help you keep a roof over your family’s head. One sure way to ensure that you land on your feet with enough time to get back into the swing of things is by seeking child support, spousal support, or both, from your ex-husband.

Need a Top-Rated Divorce Lawyer in Georgia to Help with Spousal and Child Support?

Are you worried about supporting yourself and your family after a divorce? Did your credit score end up in tatters after everything was said and done? Do you need both spousal and child support in order to get back on your feet? If you need to work out a solid divorce agreement in Georgia, then you need a good lawyer.

At Buckhead Family Law, our legal team works diligently to meet the needs of clients getting divorced in today’s tech driven world – this means taking everything online into consideration. One thing that hasn’t changed about divorce? It is still one of the most harrowing experiences someone can go through, and we understand that. That is why we always treat our clients with grace and compassion.

Need help? We are here to assist you as you begin the next chapter of your life while ensuring that all of the loose ends are tied up in the least complicated way. Schedule a consultation today by calling 404.390.0000.

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